STEM: Why Choose it as Your Strand?

Education in the STEM Strand 

The academic thread is divided into four sections. STEM being of them stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. STEM education is a type of learning that combines science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Through project-based and problem-based learning activities, this approach engages us as learners in applying the information to real-world situations, as well as discovering new procedures or solutions that will enrich our lives and careers.

Earth Science, Pre-Calculus and Basic Calculus, and Physics are among the hard sciences included in the senior high school STEM strand. These classes will help prepare us for our future undergraduate studies.

 Objectives of the STEM Strand

The STEM strand aims to develop our students' curiosity, problem-solving talents, and communication skills in senior high school. Graduates from the STEM strand will be able to:

  • Have gained a stronger sense of imagination and cleverness, both of which are necessary for coming up with new ideas and breakthroughs.
  • Be more willing to try new things and take risks.
  • Be able to apply what they've learned in class in real-life situations, particularly in their future courses

Why you should choose STEM?

What do you want to do in the future?
This is an essential question each and every one of us has to at least answer before making any choice on our strands. Try this watching this one about the possible careers you could get in STEM:

If you wish to pursue a profession in science or mathematics, then the STEM strand is for you! Though this strand is difficult and demanding, it will be worth it in the end since you will have an easier time at college because you chose the strand that is appropriate for your course. This strand is for students interested in Engineering, Medical Courses, AB Math, Information Technology, and other Science and Mathematics-related courses.

Possible Career Paths with the STEM Strand

STEM graduates are very much in demand these days, due to the many infrastructure developments going on around the country and the opening of many foreign plants and companies.  Senior high school graduates of the STEM strand can have successful careers in the following:

  • Pilot
  • Architect
  • Astrophysicist
  • Biologist
  • Chemist
  • Industrial Engineer
  • Chemical Engineer
  • Dentist
  • Nutritionist
  • Doctor
  • Marine Engineer

A reminder...

It's critical to understand that there is no such thing as a "correct" or "wrong" strand or track. When it comes to selecting a strand, we just simply need to select one that we are genuinely interested in or would like to pursue in the future, as the strand we select will offer us the information and abilities we will need in college or in the future.


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